Paint and share drawings directly from Skype!
- Open Skype.
- Select a contact.
- Select "send file".
- Select Z-SkypeArt for Skype.
- Paint over a plain colour canvas or over your own photo background. And, if you want, you will be able to insert objects into your design!!
- Save & send.
The only limit is your imagination!!
Changes on 1.0.9 version:
- Added five new MEMES categories. Build your own designs of memes, and impress your friends.
Changes on 1.0.8 version:
- Added new empty gallery called "MY OBJECTS" where you can place your own objects if you want (.jpg and .png extensions). To use this new gallery, simply place your image objects in the existing folder called 'zausan/Z-WhatsArt/objects/MY OBJECTS' in the SD card of your device.
- Improved the starting time of the application.
- Several bugs fixed.
Changes on 1.0.7 version:
- Fixed the appearance of objects images from Android system gallery in some devices (reboot your phone if you continue seeing the objects into the phone gallery)
- Several bugs fixed.
Changes on 1.0.5 version:
- Added a lot of new objects.
- Added french translation.
- Several bugs fixed.
Changes on 1.0.4 version:
- Added Text tool.
- Added Art galery that you can fit to the canvas.
- Optimiced for Android 3.X HoneyComb Tablets and Android 4.X Ice Cream Sandwich.
- Several bugs fixed.
Changes on 1.0.3 version:
- New instructions splash screen.
- Saves last user settings(color, background, style)
- Saves last 8 colors used.
- New gradient background option added (default)
- Minor bugs corrected.
messenger, Skype</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">油漆和图纸直接从Skype!
- 打开Skype。
- 选择一个联系人。
- 选择“发送文件”。
- 为Skype选择Z-SkypeArt的。
- 绘制在一个的素色帆布或超过自己的照片的背景。而且,如果你想的话,你将能够将对象插入到您的设计!
- 保存和发送。
- 增加了5个新的模因类别。建立自己的设计的同行,和你的朋友留下深刻的印象。
- 增加了新的空画廊称为“我的对象”,在这里你可以把你自己的对象,如果你想(jpg和png文件扩展名)。要使用这种新的画廊,在现有的文件夹,名为“zausan / Z-WhatsArt /对象/我的对象在您的设备的SD卡,只需将图像对象。
- 改进应用程序的启动时间。
- 一些错误修正。
- 修正了Android系统画廊的物体图像从外观在某些设备(重新启动您的手机,如果你继续到手机图库中看到的对象)
- 一些错误修正。
- 增加了大量的新对象。
- 增加了法语翻译。
- 一些错误修正。
- 增加了“文本工具”。
- 添加你能适应的的艺术galery,在画布上。
- Optimiced的Android 3.X蜂窝片和Android 4.X冰的冰淇淋三明治。
- 一些错误修正。
- 新的指令启动画面。
- 保存最后一个用户设置(颜色,背景,风格)
- 保存最后8种颜色。
- 添加新的渐变背景“选项(默认)
- 小错误修正。
信使,Skype公司</div> <div class="show-more-end">